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Selectmens Minutes December 17, 2002
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 17, 2002

PRESENT:  Chairman Theodore Bailey, Selectman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Heather Briggs and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of December 10, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Chairman Bailey called the Board Meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Subject:   Davis Road

Present: Mr. William Stevens

The Board reviewed pertinent information recently provided by Mr. Stevens, more specifically the survey map of the Darby property, and also present and discussed the findings of the special Board Meeting held on December 13, 2002 on site at Davis Road.  At that special Board Meeting representatives of Vollmer Associates (Town engineers) were present and walked the entire length of the road with Selectman DeBold and Selectman Colbert.  Also present at that site viewing was the Town Road Agent, Jeff Jordan and Assistant Road Agent AJ May.

Selectman Colbert stated that the only written documentation from Town Records that has been presented is the original 1811 layout of Davis Road which describes the Road as being a two (2) rod road and having a length of 179 rods (2954ft).  Straight-line diagrams from the NH Department of Transportation show Davis Road to be longer than the 1811 original layout but the source of data establishing the road’s length on the straight-line diagrams cannot be validated.  Physical evidence, specifically the layout of parallel stonewalls spaced two rods apart, do show the road extending in length to Mr. Steven’s Westerly property line.

The Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed that in their opinion, based on both historical and physical evidence available to them at this time, Davis Road does extend just to the Westerly property line of Mr. Stevens’ property.

Mr. Stevens is also interested in continuing Davis Road across his property to the Epsom Town line.  This would provide him road frontage to enable the application for building permit(s).  The extent of Davis Road onto Mr. Stevens’ property would in the opinion of the Selectmen constitute the layout of a new Town Road, would subdivide his property, and would therefore require a subdivision approval from the Planning Board and final acceptance of the new road by the Board of Selectmen.

Mr. Stevens feels that he has done what the Town has asked of him, shown back in February of 2002 that the Board agreed to this and he has been back to the Board continually with nothing solid being done and said.  He is upset regarding how the Selectmen Office has handled this matter.

The present Board stated that although the past Board of Selectmen granted permission to upgrade Davis Road, neither Selectman DeBold or Selectman Colbert were on the Board at that time.  It was also pointed out that as a result of the May 2002 Public Hearing held in regards to Davis Road the Board of Selectmen, including Selectman Colbert, at that time decided to take the matter into further advisement until the length of Davis Road was investigated and clearly established/ agreed upon by the Board.

The present Board stated that the upgrading of Davis Road may be done under inspection of the town engineer, that its width will be 15 ft., that all work must be carried out within the two (2) rod right of way bounded by stone walls, that wetlands permits must be obtained by Mr. Stevens, on behalf of the Town, prior to any work beginning in any jurisdictional wetlands, and that the location of the Blackman damn must be considered carefully in the upgrading of Davis Road.

It was stated by Selectman Colbert that Mr. Darby would like a Board signed document stating that what is being done is with the Board of Selectmen’s consent.

The completely new section of Davis Road proposed by Mr. Stevens will be his responsibility to layout and he shall assume all cost involved, and secure the necessary permits required.

The Board unanimously agreed that no cost to the Town of Chichester will be incurred in any process of the upgrading of the existing section of Davis Road.  All financial costs, including materials, labor, equipment, permitting, Town engineer oversight, damages to abutting property, legal fees, will be the full responsibility of Mr. Stevens.

Mr. Stevens is requested to return to meet with the Board to review and discuss drafted agreement for the upgrading of Davis Road.

Subject: Highway Department

Present: Mr. Jeffrey Jordan, Road Agent
Briefly discussed the storm and the work needed to keep the roads safe.  

Subject:   Police Department

Present: Chief Pat Clarke

Discussed the snow plowing across roads that has continued.  Chief Clarke will draft a written warning, referring to the town ordinance, listing the fine of a $500.00 civil forfeiture on the second offense. Chief Clarke will leave for Board to sign.  The Board of Selectmen unanimously agreed to sign this.

Discussed was the Police Department budget. Dialogue ensued regarding what alterations could be made to the budget and the effects the changes would make to the department.

Chief Clarke’s decision to put the grant money line in the budget will be put into a Warrant in the company of the Board and Budget Committee in favor to this change.

Judy will look into what line in the budget a police department secretary would come from.  

The last year’s budget did not reflect an entire year’s second full time patrolman.  There are more hours covered.  As well that Chief Clarke worked with the prior year’s budget that did not cover all of the necessities that needed to be covered this current year.  As Chief Clarke worked within the 2002 budget it was realized and adjusted for the proposed budget for 2003.  

Selectman Colbert stated that the Town of Chichester now has a proactive Police Department rather than a reactive Police Department.  Selectman Colbert also affirmed that Chief Clarke’s salary is low and that Chief Clarke puts in, on average, fifty (50) hours plus.  He feels that Chief Clarke certainly does warrant an increase in his salary.  Selectman DeBold feels that the Police Department is a public safety agency and places a greater importance to this department over a majority of other town departments.  Chairman Bailey is in agreement.  The Board concurred that Chief Clarke and the Police Department were providing a tremendous service.  

The Board of Selectmen unanimously voted and the Budget Committee by majority vote to support the 17% increase to the proposed 2003 budget.   Both the Board and the Budget Committee voted putting the grant money into a warrant unanimously.

Subject:   Budget Committee discussion

Present: Stephen MacCleery, Joanna McIntosh, Marie MacKay, Walter Sanborn, and John Martel

Discussion ensued regarding putting together a committee to look into a town office building.

Subject:  Board Discussion

Walter Sanborn would like to find another director for Civil Defense, as he would like to be replaced.

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Walter also brought up the vote to keep the old selectmen’s office “as is” and is concerned that changes are being made against the Board’s vote.  The Board will take under advisement.

The selectmen’s office assistant position applications are in and the Board will review.  After the Board reviews, four will be chosen to interview.

Judy inquired to Robinson’s property.  Selectman Colbert read the letter from the state.  The Board is leaving this to the State.  The Board asked Judy to reply to Wolf’s concerns brought to the Board regarding.  Selectman DeBold will contact the State.   

Selectman DeBold gave Heather the hand written minutes from the special meeting held by the Board on December 13, 2002 for typing ready for signatures and posting.

The Board would like to discuss Town policy for sick pay at a later date.  

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Bailey at 9:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

David Colbert, Selectman

Richard DeBold, Selectman

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